Thursday, July 17, 2008

Finally figured it out

When birth parents do a search on everyone who matches their search will pop up. Well on that page only your name and a little message from you pops up unless you know how to do HTML coding. If you know how to do that you can make the font a different color and size and you can upload a picture. I figured out how to do the coding for the font but I could not figure it out for the picture. I tried and tried but nothing seemed to work. Two days ago my beautiful sister figured it out so now we have our picture posted next to our name. Thank you so much Kari! I am attaching a picture of my sister and I from a month ago when she came to Texas to visit us.

Now that everything is updated and the way Ken and I want it on that site I can focus on this blog. So hopefully I will keep current on the happenings in our life.

To our friends and family: Thank you so much for all the support! Love ya!

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Our life so far...