Thursday, July 17, 2008

Letters of support from our friends and family

The follow is an email that I sent out to our family and friends:
Ken and I are asking for your prayers. Our profile is being shown to a birth mom who is having her baby today. So if she picks us we will be on our way to Missouri to pick up our baby. So please pray for us that this birth mom picks us and we get our baby. If you are LDS please add our names to your local temple. We are very excited to say the least. Thank you for all your support and prayers.
We will let you know what happens!
Ken and Kim

The email that I sent out after we found out we weren’t picked:
Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. We just found out that we weren't picked. We have a strong belief that the right baby will come to us at the right time. Guess this one wasn't ours. Thank you again for all of your support.
Ken and Kim

The response from our friends and family:
Dear Kim and Ken,
Just want you to know we love you and are thinking of you. Keep your chin up. I don't know why things happen like they do, but like you, I have faith that our Father in Heaven is in charge and He does love us.
Love Joy

Sorry! God Bless. We love you! Judy and Jack

Dear Kim,
Thanks for letting me know.
I so admire your faith and totally agree - God knows and has planned the child that is yours. But I know it's disappointing.
Warmly, Barbara

Dear Ken & Kim, I was so dissappointed to hear your latest news. Believe it or not, I can remember way back when Mike & I were about your ages and we were having a struggle starting a family. Either I just didn't conceive or I would get pregnant and then miscarry.I'm not sure which one was worse. It was so difficult going to baby showers and seeing other women having their 3 and 4th babies and I couldn't even have one. If there is anything I have learned through the years is that the Lord is aware of our situations and things will happen in our lives in the "Lord's Time" and not ours! It doesn't make it any easier for us to experience these things though, does it. I still don't understand why we see wild and crazy musicians and movie stars having babies right and left when there are such righteous and worthy couples who could provide a loving home for these little spirits. I believe that the strongest and most spiritual spirits have been saved for these latter days and you, Ken & Kim need to stay strong and prepare your home and hearts for the one that is being assigned to you. You will be in our prayers.Our love, Mike & Myrna

I am truly sorry. I know that your prayers will be answered. I do not understand what you are feeling right now not be able to hold your baby but I do understand the frustration you must be feeling about your prayers not being answered.
It took over 10 years of me praying to Heavenly Father asking why me. Why do I have to have the parents that I have. Why can't I have parents that want me. Why don't I have a good home. Why don't I have a mom to cry on her shoulder when a boy brakes up with me. Why, Why Why... I have had many nights crying in my bed and being miserable. But 4 1/2 years ago my dad came knocking on my grandparents door. One year after that he was baptized and received the priesthood. 4 years after that he went to the temple and received those blessing and one month after that he went to the temple and was sealed to a sweet lady for eternity. The reason for me to tell you this is not for pity for or a hand shake, but for me to tell you that I KNOW that your prayers will be answered. I know that Heavenly Father loves you and cares for you deeply. He will bless you and Ken with a beautiful little baby.
Please call me if you would like to talk, Jullian

I am so sorry to hear that you weren't picked. I too have a strong belief that the right baby is up there waiting for you to be his/her parents. I'm sorry that your patience is being tested in this way. Please be strong and have faith that your prayers aren't being ignored. We love you.Love, Heather

God is with you,and will put that baby in your arms when the time is right.
It will be soon! We are all praying with you. You will be blessed.
Love, Erin

Kim i am so sorry! i know you were so looking forward to this little baby! i know you and ken will get the baby that is meant for you! you are such wonderful people! i am proud to call you my friend!I know god answers prayers and i know it seems like he doesn't listen. but he does answer it is just on his own time!ha ha just like a man huh!but i know this will happen for you guys!love ya, Kaleigh

I am so sorry, if there is anything we can do let me know.-John

Some other letters of support:
Dear Friends and Family,
Below you will find a letter from a wonderful couple our family has been privileged to be friends with from church. They are hard working, loving, Christ-like Christians who have struggled with fertility in starting their own family.
They are hard working. Both Ken and Kim work hard in their respective fields, and are held in high regard by those they work with. Ken recently received a promotion, transferred with the company and has about a 30 minute commute. Not bad those who live outside the Metroplex area. His hours are reasonable with weekends off. Kim works from home in a field that allows for great flexibility - a huge plus for working moms.
They display financial responsibility through maintenance and upkeep of their home, vehicles, and finances. Being well grounded and communicating with each other are a couple of ways Ken and Kim work hard together as a family. They are committed to being financially responsible.
They are loving, Christ-like Christians who put the Lord first in their lives. Both individually and as a couple. After many years together they continue to show sincere affection towards each other. Both are soft spoken, yet firm in their beliefs.
Ken and Kim have been known to step in and play mom and dad for a few days so that parents could have a "get-away" weekend. They also serve faithfully at church where they can be counted on each Sunday, as well as, any mid-week activities.
If you know of anyone who might be considering adoption, or even if you don't, please pass Ken and Kim's information along.
Love, Janice

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